Betes Girl

My name is Lacey and obviously yes, I have diabetes. Up until now I have been very quiet about my diabetes in the virtual world, I do not post about in on facebook and sometimes dislike even talking about it. I am not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me or think diabetes defines who I am, it is simply a part of who I am. My goal with this blog is to show how I live as a 24yr old type1 diabetic. This does not mean this is how all people live with their diabetes, just me. Most importantly I have learned talking about all of the ups and downs helps and is somewhat therapeutic.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sick of Pricks...

It has literally been months since I have posted... I honestly have had it with diabetes!  This to many who have this disease is a day to day thought. lol I went to go see about FINALLY getting a pump (about two months ago) and insurance denied me (temporarily)  due to the lack of me checking my blood sugar regularly-I know, I know my bad.

I absolutely HATE checking my blood sugar.  The pricks hurt and sometimes it takes me a bit to actually click the button and purposely inflict temporary pain on my poor little fingers.  They are bruised, and have little ugly marks and calluses all over them.  Also I hate that if you don't get exactly enough blood on the strip-IT DOESNT WORK!  That's almost a $1 which doesn't seem like much but trust me, it adds up!   I work nights therefore they are never going to be somewhat at the same time... ever.  Okay so I will admit I have been a total slacker when it comes to checking my sugar and this is an appropriate "wake up call" that I needed probably a year ago.

(I did not take this picture, I simply found it online but I do LOVE IT)

So I play along and start checking my blood sugars CONSTANTLY and became obsessed which was good and bad... Along with constantly checking my blood came the constantly correcting it, followed by the constant bottoming out.  I would drop to at least 40 daily.

After the constant lows came the fear of bottoming out all the time which is now followed by the absolute highs which brings with them the ketones. GRRR.

I cannot win, this statement was true after days of being diagnosed with diabetes.  This is an unfair disease.  You follow the rules, play the game its way and get NO WHERE! Irritated, grumpy and flat pissed off is exactly how I feel daily which is probably partly due to the high sugars but high sugar or not, I AM MAD!   Well, I feel better now after getting all of that out. lol :)