Betes Girl

My name is Lacey and obviously yes, I have diabetes. Up until now I have been very quiet about my diabetes in the virtual world, I do not post about in on facebook and sometimes dislike even talking about it. I am not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me or think diabetes defines who I am, it is simply a part of who I am. My goal with this blog is to show how I live as a 24yr old type1 diabetic. This does not mean this is how all people live with their diabetes, just me. Most importantly I have learned talking about all of the ups and downs helps and is somewhat therapeutic.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



So I took a vacation from blogging... I also took a mental vacation from diabetes, okay so we all know this is not possible, a day yes but more than a day... not so much a possibility.  Earlier I posted about being denied by my insurance company for my insulin pump and having to test my blood sugar a million times a day.  

Let me back up... first of all, I had to choose a pump.  I was given catalogs and books of different pumps to choose from.  Of course I ran right into the book that had the limegreen pump and everything my Dr. said after she handed me the book went in one ear and out the other.  There was also a wireless pump that intrigued me as well.  Finally my mom literally grabbed the books so I would pay attention and... it looked like Medtronic was probably the best fit for me.  They had a representative that came to their office multiple times a week.... only problem NO LIMEGREEN PUMP!?  Are you kidding me?  That has been my only stipulation when it comes to this device, you finally get me on board the pump it up train and no limegreen pump?  Yes, there was a pink one, a purple one even a blue one... no plain green even.  Disappointed? I think yes.  After this mom told our Dr. she would let them know the next day what I decided.  At home I looked at the books more and more still pissed about the lack of a green pump but at the end of the day... medtronic had what I needed.  They also carry a CGM  (Conitunal Glucose Monitor) I told mom I did not want that and medtronic told me insurance RARELY covers any of it, fine by me, who wants two ports instead of one?  ...not this girl. 

My books of pumps...

And the Winner is... MEDTRONIC 

A super nice guy named Abraham calls me with questions as to my highest and lowest blood sugars, when I am most likely to bottom out and when I am highest.  He asked me if I had any questions regarding the pump and I said I actually did “Is the thing water proof?”  His response, “umm... that is a good question and no, it can stand a little water but it is much like a cell phone, if it to get drenched it will be ruined”  I sat there rolling my eyes thinking “just great, no randomly jumping into pools or lakes” (Not that I do that often or ever but...what if I wanted to?)  So after my 3 months of testing, I had to make a special trip all the way back to Wichita just so they can plug my glucometer into a machine and print off my blood sugars and send them to the insurance company.  I thought between my mom and I we had explained we needed the last 3 months sent.  They asked me if I wanted a copy which was not necessary, I knew they were bad no sense in seeing it on paper.  Less than 24 hours later, medtronic calls... and of course my Dr’s office had only sent them a month’s worth and they needed 3 months of testing.  This means no moving forward till I get my glucometer back to wichita.  SERIOUSLY!? I just made the 90mile trip the day before and am going back to work for the next 8 days.  Luckily mom was going to be in the city later that week which meant I had to give her my glucometer and use my back up one for the day. Finally they get the tests to medtronic. 

The pump and CGM

A week later I am in Derby, KS visiting my cousins, while at their “Gym and Swim” day I had a missed call from a number I didn’t recognize.  It was medtronic calling to inform me that I had been approved not only for the pump but also for the CGM.  I was super, super excited!  This had been a long time coming.  “But wait...I was approved for the CGM? I didn’t know I wanted this, and I thought insurance never covered any of it, so why me?  Am I really that bad off to need this thing?!”  Hours after getting the message I called them back and they asked me my height  and what color of pump I would like.  My response “You guys haven’t gotten a limegreen one in the last month by any chance?” They hadn’t so I just went with clear.  Within a few days the giant boxes arrived and were sat on my bed... I was out of town still when they arrived and I made mom get in the “pump” one to make sure my pump was NOT BLACK, it showed online mine was black.  It was indeed white.  We made my appointment for training for just the pump, they said both were too much to handle at one time.  I had online classes to start which were a complete bore, but actually a tad helpful.

My Giant Boxes that Held the Two Tiny Items Shown Above.

Doesn't she just look super duper happy about her pump? 

I was being good and taking my classes.... 

Excited, and terrified were how I felt, I finally got the news I wanted and was super excited to see if this will make my life any easier at all but if I don’t like it... thats a grand total of about a $10,000 trial.  To say my parents love me is an understatement.  

Soon I would get to say goodbye to my injections and needles not forever but for the most part. :) 

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